The Libertarian Party Opportunity in 2024

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Next Meeting

Thurs, Oct. 17
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Tiny's Restaurant
600 E. Highway 260
Payson, AZ 85541

Donate to the Gila AZ LP

Please help us restore liberty
to Gila County.


Update From Jeffrey Aal and Transparent Payson

Here’s an update from Jeffrey Aal, Libertarian candidate for Payson Town Council and author of Propositions 401 and 402. The Gila County Libertarian Party endorses a “YES” vote on Propositions 400, 401 and 402.

Remember, the deadline for mail-in ballots in Tuesday, August 28th. Please send in your ballots early to be sure they are received in time.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Can’t say that enough.  The opposition has gotten, well, challenging.

As a group we have conducted ourselves well.  That reflects on each of us.

So, thank you!  When you have the stronger position, there is no need to become nasty.

That does not mean we are not above some “creative” marketing efforts.


We’ve made four important updates to the Transparent Payson Website.


Upcoming Events

Please tune in to KMOG radio next week as we take our message to the air waves.

And please join us for a night of fun, food and karaoke next Friday evening, August 24.

As always, thank you for all the support. 



By Bruce Wales,
Vice Chairman, Gila County LP

Let’s say, there are many that you hate,
If not blamed, you would eliminate.
Ways exist, death could disseminate.
So, why wait enduring your frustrate?

If you doubt, let me elucidate.
Even Nature will facilitate
By pure rain it must precipitate
Spreading far your means to un-create.

There is dirt that you can cultivate
With it’s weeds you don’t appreciate.
And by spraying liquid obviate.
Meanwhile, you’re portrayed to champion-ate.

So, decide, don’t even hesitate.
Poison food designed to satiate.
Tummies fill while effects radiate.
Cancer-armed-nutrition infiltrates.

Banks thrive bankrolling such death-by-plate.
Advertisers too, impression-ate
Legal systems barely mediate
So, decide, don’t even hesitate.

How? You ask, your heart so palpitates,
Can you somehow start to terminate?
Here’s the secret, I won’t make you wait.

Now, Go! ROUNDUP some! And perpetrate!

DISCLAIMERS: The author disclaims responsibility for any act committed by any not appreciating the ironic intent of the above. The Payson Roundup newspaper is in no way connected to the Roundup herbicide.

Payson Residents: Are you ready for the August 28th elections?

The Gila County Libertarian Party urges Payson residents to become informed about the issues and candidates on the upcoming August 28th ballot. Up for vote are mayor, three town council seats, and three ballot initiatives/propositions.

Staring the last week of July, each household in Payson with one or more registered voters will receive by snail mail an official “Publicity Pamphlet.” This contains the full text of each Proposition and any arguments submitted for or against. We urge you to review this pamphlet prior to voting.

This is an all-mail election and deadline to register to vote is 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 30.  For more information on how to register to vote or to request an absentee ballot, contact the Gila County Recorder’s Office at 800-291-4452 or 928-474-7139.

Our bylaws prevent the Libertarian Party from endorsing specific candidates in non-partisan races, but generally speaking we favor candidates who espouse libertarian positions such as lower taxes, lower government spending and greater accountability.

We urge you to become informed about the two mayoral candidates and the seven town council candidates, and to cast your votes accordingly.  The Payson Roundup has prepared the following profiles for each of the candidates.

Mayor: Craig Swartwood and Tom Morrissey.

Town Council:

Jeffrey Aal Kim Chittick Shirley Dye Jim Ferris
Dave Golembewski Chris Higgins Hallie Overman-Jackman

Ballot Issues:

The Gila County Libertarian Party endorses a “YES” vote on all three initiatives:

  • Proposition 400 (Home Rule)
  • Proposition 401 (Voter approval of certain long-term leases)
  • Proposition 402 (Voter approval of certain bond issuances)

For more information on the ballot issues, please visit


Where it really all started

Letter to the Editor published on July 20 in the Payson Roundup


I am sure you receive criticisms for including one item as newsworthy while “discluding” others deemed more important by others. But to have an Independence Day front page lead-in with “It all started with …” when indeed “It” started with something else, namely an 8 a.m., annually observed memorial flag-raising event that has been reported in the past, is an unfortunate over-sight.

While I personally was involved in the 8:30 a.m. public reading of the Declaration of Independence event and appreciative of any news coverage, I recognize a momentum of growing patriotism begun by the flag-raising “over the hill.”

Indeed, I have never witnessed that event in the decade that I have been otherwise occupied. But I think recognition that “It” starts over the hill is critical to appreciating the unabashed patriotism that is reborn in the hearts of home-towners and visitors alike in our Green Valley Park every year.

Bruce Wales

Vice Chairman,
Gila County Libertarian Party


By Bruce Wales,
Vice Chairman, Gila County Libertarian Party


(Sung to a tune similar to HOTEL CALIFORNIA)

Yesterday’s coffee is tomorrow’s speed.

Medicine’s cure, by the way, makes you bleed Running for office is powered by greed Fueled by PACs’ needy children to feed

Paint on her face is just dirt on his jeans Newspaper editors never come clean Harvesting corn must be done by machine Toxified meat, really Won’t keep you lean!


This is our country – turned into this?
You think our Fathers
Are proud to sire this?

Is all the suffering worth all the bliss?
I doubt the Founders
Were trying to find this

Free enterprise is so costly, you see
Since bottom lines are above you and me
So? make more laws to keep us more free
Betray humanity, but humane-ly

Occupy countries and claim it’s defense
Blame disagree-ers, label them dense
Unpatriotic, so they must be cleansed, but Can’t make good neighbors by building good fence


This is our country – turned into this?
You think our Fathers
Are proud to sire this

Is all the suffering worth all the bliss?
I doubt the Founders
Were trying to find this


Restricting liberties
Gives more release?
Declaring war somehow
Builds better peace?


Oh, those genteel who were thought to be brave Now it’s the common who won’t need to shave Never will sweat from the cradle to grave Live off the welfare of others who slave


This is our country – turned into this?
You think our Fathers
Are proud to sire this?

Is all the suffering worth all the bliss?
I doubt the Founders
We’re trying to find this

I doubt the Founders
Would ever found this!

More Independents and Unaffiliateds are America’s Best Chance

By Bruce Wales,

Vice Chairman, Gila County Libertarian Party

Independents and unaffiliateds represent today’s much-needed healthy political skepticism in my opinion. Life-long Party registrations make little sense when party principles don’t remain principled.
For example, if the fault of the incumbent as criticized by the challenger is later also exhibited by the winning Challenger, a huge embarrassment is foisted on party supporters. To remain his/her supporter then is a symptom of their failure to recognize unprincipled inconsistency as well.

If Party-by-habit types would review their choice at least as annually as they review their taxes their civic value would increase immensely. Unfortunately, un-re-examined Party affiliation is America’s political cancer.

No one enjoys criticism. But sometimes it is as necessary as being chided by the Dentist for past poor oral hygiene. Objective criticism must stand before life can be rebuilt with any suggested self-help group therapy.

Political criticism? Party affiliation demands a critical changing if the party’s position changes!

For if all members are somehow convinced that their party’s former principles no longer apply, they, themselves are harmful to the cause of principled living.

That is scary!

So, I believe that those that insist the US Constitution alone holds our common principles are indeed the healthy skeptics our America needs today.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the only way to amass this healthy skepticism into a tangible political power is to group all together into another party.

That is the essence of the Libertarian Party.

Think of the Party that allows choice but defends principles.

Think of the party that finds power by adhering to principles.

Think of the party that encourages thinking.

Think Libertarian!

Thanks especially to Independents and Unaffiliateds, America’s third largest party is growing like never before! Maybe we’ll be joined by more “Disenchanteds” soon.

Notes from the Gila County LP Chairman 07/16/18

Greetings Fellow Libertarians,

Summer is here, and the monsoons are finally here too, providing some much-needed relief from our long dry spell.

The Libertarian Party is working hard to provide some much-needed relief from ever-rising taxes, ever-expanding government and our ever-diminishing rights.

On the national level, the national convention held a few weeks ago generated a lot of buzz and enthusiasm. You can review the highlights here:

On the state level, the Arizona LP is being revitalized. Membership is growing. We have Precinct Committeemen across the state. We are challenging the onerous and discriminatory ballot access laws passed hand-in-hand by the Donkey and Elephant Parties.

Locally, the Gila County Libertarian Party attracted a lot of attention at our outreach booth at the Gary Hardt Memorial Spring Rodeo held in May. See the write-up on our website:

There is much to be done to restore liberty and freedom in America, Arizona and right here in Gila County and we need your help.

Please join us tomorrow for our monthly meeting.

Tuesday, July 17
Tiny’s Restaurant
600 E. Highway 260
Payson, AZ 85541

Come at 6:30 pm if you would like to order food or drink. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.

Yours in Liberty,

Jeff Daniels
Gila County Libertarian Party


Gila County AZ LP Outreach at Payson Rodeo

Payson Rodeo

The Gila County (Arizona) Libertarian Party hosted a three-day voter outreach/registration booth at the Gary Hardt Memorial Spring Rodeo, held at the Payson Event Center from May 17 – 19. The rodeo featured over 200 professional rodeo contestants. This was a PRCA sanctioned rodeo with all events from bareback riding to bull riding.

This was the tiny Gila AZ LP’s first go at an outreach event such as this and it was a great success!

Gilza AZ LP Outreach Booth

“We got a ton of people to take “The World’s Smallest Political Quiz” and we charted their results on a giant WSPQ poster. We found that most Republicans who took the Quiz scored as Libertarian.  Only two Democrats would even take the quiz,” explained Jeff Daniels, Chairman of the Gila County Libertarian Party. “We found a great ice breaker too. We got a $20 helium balloon kit and passed out balloons to the kids. While we were blowing up the balloon, it gave us a great opportunity to talk to the parents.”

Gilza AZ LP Outreach Booth

Chairman Daniels continued: “Occasionally we would get some resistance but we then mentioned that we were conducting a social experiment to find out where people actually stand compared to their perceived political beliefs. That usually got their attention and they became interested that they were part of an experiment. This whole experience was a blast.”

Bruce Wales, former Gila County Libertarian Chairman, added, “It was a kick really, watching the hesitation, then a question, then the quiz, then the surprise, then the willingness to listen and walk away with more Libertarian literature.”

Bruce quietly strummed his acoustic guitar in the booth to help draw in passers-by and to create a non-confrontational setting. Adds Bruce, “Since we were cautioned to not go out of our booth to promote, we came up with ways to entice and still be approachable. We maximized our 10 by 10 foot area pretty well, I think!”

The summer edition of the Payson Rodeo, to be held August 15-18, is the World’s Oldest Continuous Rodeo, running for over 135 years! The Gila AZ LP will be there. Come see us and join us in the booth!

Libertarian Jeff Daniels Announces Candidacy for US House of Representatives, District 4.


Contact: Jeff Daniels   928-478-0010


Jeff Daniels Announces Candidacy for
US House of Representatives, District 4

April 18, 2018

PAYSON – Longtime Libertarian Party activist and party official Jeff Daniels today announced his candidacy for US House of Representatives, District 4. The district encompasses nearly one-fourth of the geographic territory of Arizona, including all or parts of the following counties: Gila, Pinal, Maricopa, Mohave, Yavapai and Yuma. Cities and towns in the 4th District include Black Canyon City, Bullhead City, Cordes Lakes, Dewey-Humboldt, Lake Havasu City, Kingman, Payson, Pine-Strawberry, Prescott, Quartzsite, Wickenburg and Yuma.

Daniels is a small business owner and a member of the Christopher Kohl’s Fire District board of directors. He is currently serving as Secretary of the Arizona Libertarian Party and Chairman of the Gila County Libertarian Party.

“I am running for the US House to help limit the federal government to its constitutionally-enumerated powers and to return all other matters to the States and We the People. I’m pretty sure the constitution already says all this, but somehow it’s been forgotten,” laments Daniels.

“Because of the election laws passed by Democrats and Republicans that favor those very same Democrats and Republicans, in order for me as a Libertarian just to get on the ballot in November, first I need to be included in the statewide primary election to be held on August 28th,” explains Daniels. “And in order to get on the primary ballot I need to get nominated through the onerous process of collecting petition signatures.”

NOTE: All registered Libertarian Party voters as well as independents and unaffiliated voters residing in District 4 can sign Daniels’ petition to get on the ballot, which can be done easily and quickly online at the Arizona Secretary of State’s website here:

“Even if you may not agree with some of my ideas and principles, will you agree with me that voters should have more than two establishment-approved choices at the ballot box? Please sign my petition at the Secretary of State’s website before the deadline of May 30th,” urges Daniels.

Media may contact Jeff Daniels for an interview or comment at 928-478-0010 or

For more information about Jeff Daniels’ campaign for US House District 4, please visit

For more information about American’s third largest and fastest growing political party, the Libertarian Party, please visit and

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