Information about past events, news and other items of interest.

Payson Candidates Forum Sunday April 21, 2024

The Gila County Libertarian Party is co-sponsoring a forum featuring candidates for Payson mayor and town council. Please join us for a chance to question the candidates about their stance on the numerous controversial issues facing Payson, including the sales tax increase, the Aquatic Center project, the condition of our local roads, and much more. We’ll see you at the Payson Fellowship Center, 1000 Easy St. in Payson on Sunday April 21, at 3:00 PM.

(Click on image to enlarge.)

YES! Independence will be Declared in Green Valley Park on July 4th, 2023

For the 18th year our nation’s Declaration of Independence will be read publicly on July 4th, in Payson. We are one of the few communities in America with this long-running tradition and celebration of the birth of our great nation.

The event will be held in the comfort of the grassy shade of Green Valley Park, just north of the Rim Country Museum. The events commence at 11:00 A.M. and will include:

• Historical reasons for our independence and what happened to the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence.
• Reading of the Declaration of Independence.
• Do we have Founders today?
• Remembering the reasons for the fireworks.
• Audience participation in singing of the National Anthem, including a special rendition of its fourth verse.

Free frameable copies of the Declaration of Independence will be available.
Bring a blanket or chair, hydration and a fellow Patriot.
We’ll see you on Independence Day for this non-partisan celebration.


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Transparent Payson Meeting May 31

Transparent Payson is a non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting open and honest government, accountability and voter rights in Payson. Join them Wednesday, May 31 for an important meeting and update on their efforts. Details here.


2023 Election of Officers

January 9, 2023 – The Gila County Libertarian Party is pleased to announce the election of the following officers for the two-year term 2023-2024.

Chair: Cathy Ullery, Pine
Vice Chair: Bruce Wales, Payson
Secretary/Treasurer: Larry Hoffenberg, Payson

Read more.

Payson Roundup News Article


Rage Against the War Machine Rally February 19

Join us at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President’s Day Weekend, to Rage Against the War Machine! Veterans, speakers, rock musicians, comedians, and more. After the rally, we’ll march to the White House and deliver our demands to Warmonger-in-Chief Joe Biden. Event details.

2023 2nd Amendment Rally February 18

Your attendance is requested! Join the Arizona Libertarian Party and many other 2nd Amendment supporters at the 2023 2nd Amendment Rally!

Saturday Feb 18th
Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza, Phoenix
10am to 2pm

Event Details: