The Libertarian Party Opportunity in 2024

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Next Meeting

Thurs, Oct. 17
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Tiny's Restaurant
600 E. Highway 260
Payson, AZ 85541

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Please help us restore liberty
to Gila County.


Notes from the Gila County LP Chairman 04/18/22

Hello to all from your Gila County LP Chair.

Recently we were invited by the Gila County Recorder to participate, along with the Republican and Democratic parties, in supporting ballot collection for both early voting and the general election. The good news—this is not a volunteer opportunity, but a paying job! The hourly rate is $20, and there will be two kinds of jobs available:

Partnering with a representative from either the Democratic or Republican party, work at the County Recorder’s Office (either in Payson or in Globe) to:

  • assist voters in the process of completing the form to receive a ballot on-site
  • assist voters in completing the balloting process (no politicking allowed!)
  • ensure that no ballots are removed from the voting area

  • verify that each ballot has been signed
  • Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., M-F (you may work one or more full days)

Partnering with a representative from either the Democratic or Republican party, retrieve ballots from various early voting drop-boxes located along either a North or South County route

  • Pick up ballots from designated sites and put them in authorized container

  • Seal and certify the container

  • Pick-ups will be twice weekly, days to be rotated each week
  • A county vehicle will be provided or mileage paid if personal car is used

The work schedule for early voting is July 11-29, and October 17-Nov 4 for the general election, and you may work in either or both periods. Names must be submitted to the County by mid-May, and training will be provided by the County in late June.

This is a wonderful opportunity to work ollaboratively to ensure that balloting is accomplished efficiently and fairly—and get paid for doing so! If you are interested in learning more about either job, please contact Cathy Ullery, by email at or by phone at 240 994 8825.

Thank you!

Cathy Ullery
Chair, Gila County Libertarian Party

Grocery Tax for Payson? HELL NO!

The following letter to the editor by Gila County Libertarian Party Secretary/Treasurer Larry Hoffenberg was published in the Payson Roundup on February 10, 2022.

To the Editor,

The Gila County Libertarian Party would like to weigh in on the Roundup’s January 11th above-the-fold top story titled “If it’s not the grocery tax, it’ll be another tax.” The article contained several key errors, misleading statements and omissions.

1. The headline implies that if the grocery tax is repealed, the town council must replace it with another tax. Is that written somewhere in the town charter? Breaking news!: Maybe, just maybe, the town can find a way to become more efficient and effective in how it performs its services, Maybe, just maybe, the citizens of Payson might actually prefer a lower level of services in exchange for lower taxes. Has anyone asked the taxpayers?

For the fiscal year 2021-2022, the town council approved a total budget of $49,500,000, a whopping FIFTEEN percent increase over the prior year. Even just looking at general operating expenses, spending is set to increase by 9 percent How many taxpayers got a 9% pay raise in 2021? Beyond the Town Manager, not many.

2. There isn’t much of anything left in America that isn’t already taxed, and taxed up the wazoo at that. Here is a partial list of what is currently taxed in America, Arizona, Gila County and the Town of Payson:

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Of course not all of the above applies to everyone all the time, but add it all up, the average American pays well over 50% of his or her income in taxes every year. Clearly, Paysonians are not under-taxed.

And all of this excludes “the cruelest tax of them all,” hidden inflation. The purchasing power of Americans’ income and life savings is being “taxed” away every year by anywhere from 8% to 12%, depending on how inflation is measured and defined.

3. The sub-headline of the article “Payson council learns cost of eliminating food tax” (emphasis added) demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of accounting, finance and budgeting principles, namely the difference between revenues and costs (expenses). Revenue is money coming in, costs are monies paid out. They are two fundamentally and independent measures. They are on opposite sides of a financial statement.

A reduction in revenue, as would happen if the food tax were eliminated, is not a “cost.” A reduction in revenue is just that, a reduction in money coming in. It is totally independent of costs, that is monies the town has to pay out. Sure, the town budget must balance, but that does not mean that expenses cannot be reduced to match the reduced revenue.

4. The article cites the fact that 27 out of 30 other municipalities in Arizona impose a tax on food. Fine. But is that really a moral and equitable justification for Payson to tax food? Perhaps this is a golden opportunity for Payson to do the right thing, to be a leader instead of a follower, and discontinue the grocery tax.

5. A grocery tax is one of the most regressive and repressive taxes ever conceived. Obviously, food is a necessity and lower income people pay a much higher proportion of their income on food than do more affluent people. Where’s the equity and justice in that?

A grocery tax for Payson? Libertarians don’t only say “no,” we say HELL NO!
Larry Hoffenberg
Secretary/Treasurer – Gila County Libertarian Party


List of Taxes

Welcome Payson Roundup readers! Below is a list of taxes that most Americans must pay at one time or another in their life. If you know of any taxes that are missing from the list, please email: While you are here, please have a look around the site for more information on “America’s Third Largest and Fastest Growing Political Party.”
If you would like to stay informed about Libertarian news and events in Gila County, just enter your email address in the box to the left. We promise not to sell, rent or otherwise distribute your address to anyone. We will not spam you.

There isn’t much of anything left in America that isn’t already taxed, and taxed up the wazoo at that. Here is a partial list of what is currently taxed in America, Arizona, Gila County and the Town of Payson:

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Splash pad neither wise nor frugal

The following Letter to the Editor by Larry Hoffenberg, Secretary/Treasurer of the Gila County Libertarian Party, was published by the Payson Roundup on August 20, 2021.

Splash pad neither wise nor frugal

Are Libertarians the only ones disappointed and distressed by the Town of Payson’s decision to proceed with building the splash pad for a whopping $687,000?

I mean, what does it splash, champagne?

The fact that a last-minute federal taxpayer subsidy of $207,000 rides in to rescue the project like manna from heaven doesn’t make this any less of a bloated boondoggle.

At this rate, how much will the much-ballyhooed new swimming pool cost we the taxpayers? How much will the new Granite Dells Park end up costing the taxpayers of the town?

Founding Father and American President Thomas Jefferson strongly advocated for a “wise and frugal government.” Libertarians say the Payson splash pad is neither wise nor frugal.

Larry Hoffenberg,
Libertarian Party Precinct Committeeman,
Northwest Payson District

YES! Independence will be Declared in Green Valley Park

For the fourteenth year this Fourth of July our nation’s Declaration of Independence will be read publicly in the comfort of the grassy shade in Green Valley Park at 8:30 AM.

This year’s reading event will not be sponsored by Payson’s Patriotic Event Committee. But is being planned by the same Payson volunteers and AV crew who have executed it in the past.

Thoughtful self-governance is a capstone of a free society. So we celebrate our independence while considering health concerns of others. The Mayor’s proclamation regarding masks will apply and hand sanitizer will be available. Picnic blanket distances should insure good spacing.

Attendees can voluntarily sign their attendance for future proof that we did a great job of not jeopardizing health. But this is not mandatory – since we indeed do live in a free country.

Remembering the memorial where Col William Sahno usually recalled our debts to those who paid the dearest price for our freedoms. reminding us that we should not relinquish any of them thoughtlessly. We will this year begin “over the hill” in the shade At 8:30 am.

Three speakers will remind us of:
1. The historical context of our nation’s pregnancy – if you will,
2. It’s birthing document, The Declaration of Independence
3. What happened to the fathers of this new nation – the Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Audience microphones will be provide for questions and comments.

NOTE A nearby table will have information from many nation-wide organizations if attendees ask what they can do to help preserve American’s independence in this time of nation-wide troubles.

See you on Independence Day!

Kudos to the Payson Homeless Initiative

The following Letter to the Editor by Larry Hoffenberg, secretary/treasurer of the Gila County Libertarian Party, was published by the Payson Roundup on December 27,2019.


Kudos to the Payson Homeless Initiative

Founding Father and principle architect of the U.S. Constitution James Madison stated unequivocally: “Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”

Libertarians strongly agree with Madison and we believe that people in need are best served by grassroots private volunteer organizations, rather than by government-run, taxpayer-at-large funded operations, which tend to be heavy on bureaucracy and regulation rather than on actually delivering results and aid to those in need.

In the spirit of James Madison, the Gila County Libertarian Party has made a financial contribution to the Payson Homeless Initiative, and we encourage other political groups in the area as well as non-political civic and charitable groups to get behind the Payson Homeless Initiative and make donations or provide volunteers to help this truly grassroots private sector effort.

Americans are the most generous and charitable people on the planet, and we would do even more if we retained more of the fruits of our labor. Less taxes = more money in private hands = more contributions to productive, private voluntary charitable programs. With less of a tax burden, caring members of society will be even more charitable, and society will be strengthened.

LBJ’s War on Poverty has been an epic failure. 55 years later, homelessness is rampant, especially in California. Tens of thousands of people gather in homeless camps with diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis posing great risk to the public at large. There is a better way, and private voluntary organizations such as the Payson Homeless Initiative are a prime example.

The Gila County Libertarian Party extends a well-deserved thank you to all the individuals and organizations that are already volunteering and contributing to the Payson Homeless Initiative. Keep up the great work!

Larry Hoffenberg
Gila County Libertarian Party

Arizona Primary Results Show Extreme Injustice Toward Libertarian Party

On September 11, 2018, the Arizona Secretary of State released the official tally of votes from the August 28 primaries. This is the first knowledge anyone has had of the write-ins in the primaries. Four parties held primaries: Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green. Neither of the last two parties had any candidates’ names printed on their primary ballots for any federal or state office. Instead, these parties attempted to nominate via write-ins in the primaries. Read More.

Patriotic Poetry

By Bruce Wales,
First Vice Chairman, Gila County LP


They don’t have to want to buy my ugly truck!
They don’t even have to tell me why!
Just reminding them our country’s gov’ment sucks!
And that the Libertarians are standing by!

They don’t have to want to swallow what they’re fed!
They don’t even have to argufy!
Long’s they know our country’s gov’ment sucks!
And that there’s Libertarians standing by!

They don’t have to rhyme with simple poetry!
They don’t even have to write out why!
Long’s they know our country’s gov’ment sucks!
They can help the Libertarians standing by!


Lawsuit filed to force special election to fill Sen. McCain’s seat

The Payson Roundup published the following article on December 4, 2018. Read the full article here.

Claiming Gov. Doug Ducey acted illegally, the former chairman of the Arizona Libertarian Party has sued to give voters a say in who replaces John McCain — and soon.

Michael Kielsky acknowledges that the U.S. Constitution allows the governor to name an immediate replacement on the death or resignation of any sitting senator. But Kielsky, in a lawsuit filed here, contends that the governor is required to schedule a special election as soon as practicable to fill the post. And that, he said, means within six months. Read More.

We Need More Than Two Parties

The following letter to the editor by Gila County Libertarian Party Secretary/Treasurer Larry Hoffenberg was published in the Payson Roundup on September 18, 2018. The letter was also picked up by the national Libertarian Party and tweeted out to 127,000+ followers on September 19, 2018.

To the Editor:

In response to reader K Meszar’s letter “We need a vibrant two-party system,” the Gila County Libertarian Party strongly disagrees.

The U.S. is literally the only democratic republic around the world with a two-party system. Every other democracy has four to six and more “approved” political parties. For example, Sweden held their elections last week, and members of eight different parties were elected to parliament. eight!

By many measures, the two-party system in the U.S. has been an abject failure over the last 75 or so years. Democrat and Republican politicians, hand in hand, have run up $21 trillion in official national debt plus another $200 trillion in very real but unfunded liabilities.

Democrat and Republican politicians, hand in hand, have led the U.S. into nearly endless unconstitutional undeclared wars (“military actions”) since the end of World War II, costing the lives of hundreds of thousands of American armed forces. On and on.

It is not a coincidence that the U.S., with its two-party state, has the lowest voter turnout rate of any democratic country. A lack of choice at the ballot is the primary reason. People vote for “Neither Of The Above” by staying home and not voting at all.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were two of the most disliked and untrustworthy presidential candidates in U.S. history. That in and of itself was enough to discourage thousands of voters in Arizona and millions across the U.S. from voting for state and local candidates as well.

This lack of choice and competition is not an accident. Ballot access laws passed hand in hand by Democrat and Republican politicians require complicated, onerous, and expensive obstacles for candidates of other political parties to overcome just to get on the ballot each election. Due to these obstacles, not a single candidate other than Democrats and Republicans will be on the statewide ballot in Arizona this November.

Of course those same ballot access laws give Democrat and Republican politicians a free pass in terms of essentially zero legal requirements to get on the ballot.

If the media such as the Roundup want to encourage more people to vote and participate in our democracy, you can encourage them to learn that the Democrat and Republican parties are not enshrined anywhere in the U.S. Constitution.

Unbeknownst to many Americans, there are a multitude of other choices for voters: America’s third largest political party, the Libertarian Party. Or the fourth largest party, the Greens. Or the fifth largest party, the Constitution Party. On and on all the way down the line to party No. 76. the good old Prohibition Party.

A truly informed electorate with more than a binary choice of Donkey vs. Elephant is America’s best and most powerful asset.

Larry Hoffenberg,
Secretary, Gila County Libertarian Party