The Libertarian Party Opportunity in 2024
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Next Meeting

Thurs, Oct. 17
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Tiny's Restaurant
600 E. Highway 260
Payson, AZ 85541

Donate to the Gila AZ LP
Please help us restore liberty
to Gila County.


Patriotic Poetry

By Bruce Wales,
First Vice Chairman, Gila County LP


They don’t have to want to buy my ugly truck!
They don’t even have to tell me why!
Just reminding them our country’s gov’ment sucks!
And that the Libertarians are standing by!

They don’t have to want to swallow what they’re fed!
They don’t even have to argufy!
Long’s they know our country’s gov’ment sucks!
And that there’s Libertarians standing by!

They don’t have to rhyme with simple poetry!
They don’t even have to write out why!
Long’s they know our country’s gov’ment sucks!
They can help the Libertarians standing by!