The Libertarian Party Opportunity in 2024
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Next Meeting

Thurs, Oct. 17
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Tiny's Restaurant
600 E. Highway 260
Payson, AZ 85541

Donate to the Gila AZ LP
Please help us restore liberty
to Gila County.


Notes from the Chairman 06/08/17

Ohio shocker: 793 million opioid drug doses prescribed in one year

Dear fellow Gila County American consumer,

Most Americans try to belong to the best political group, the right religion, the most satisfying clubs etc. and we are all different.

Our differences can be used to sort out the best solutions among us – or also be used to defeat us by others.

Divide-and-conquer is well used by hate-mongers and pot-stirrers of every ilk.

We can also be stupefied into submission.

So, I ask you to consider our American commonality when reading the link below.


I also ask you to attend the 13th annual apolitical reading of America’s Declaration Of Independence at Green Valley Park in Payson this 4th of July at 8:00AM  as towns across America once did.

Comments from attendees via wireless microphones are encouraged after the reading.

Last year attendance reached almost 100.

Or, have your own public reading wherever you are. Let’s re-grow this American custom.

Bruce Wales
Acting Gila County Libertarian Chairman

And now please click on the following link: