The Libertarian Party Opportunity in 2024
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Next Meeting

Thurs, April 18
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Tiny's Restaurant
600 E. Highway 260
Payson, AZ 85541

Donate to the Gila AZ LP
Please help us restore liberty
to Gila County.


Notes from the Chairman 02/19/17

Dear fellow Registered Libertarian Voter,

My opinion?

By nature we Libertarians resist joining a group- even a libertarian one.


How can we grow libertarianism while preserving our fierce independence?

Personally, I sporadically do these things:

A. Door handles – in neighborhoods
B. Truck mirrors – at truck stops

2. Subscribe and donate to:
A. Political groups
B. Right-to-life groups
C. Conservative youth groups

3. Wave road-side libertarian candidate placards

4. Am a guest on KMOG or KRIM as acting Gila County Libertarian Chairman

I am a fierce independent Libertarian. But-

I have a life. I have other things to do.

At 66 I am trying to realize some long-held musician dreams while still having to work. So I fight my own personal reluctances in order to do any of the above.

I am probably not much different than you in fighting to keep my differences.

The question stands: How can we influence others if we are not willing to grow our own tolerance and gather our commonalities to become a formidable force?

That is the nut. Isn’t it?

Well, here comes that dangerous word: COMMIT, – since committing to a group seems to detract from committing to individuality –

There are currently 237 registered Libertarian voters in 37 precincts in Gila County.

Only 76 of us (32%) have shared our email addresses when registering.

161 have not. Having their email addresses would facilitate a Gila Libertarian force. I do not want to contact all 161 by myself to obtain their email addresses.

Will you help?

1. REPLY that you are willing to obtain the email addresses of the other Libertarians in your precinct if we send you their phone numbers.

2. Attend our 7:00 pm monthly meeting at Tiny’s Restaurant on Hwy 260 in Payson this Tuesday, Feb 21.

After all, what are our default alternatives?

Do we succumb to the two-party monster?


A committed-but-loosely-knit organization is possible.

I hope so.

Let’s try.

Bruce Wales